Upper Dawson Branch


© Tamielle Brunt

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Upper Dawson Branch members© WPSQ Upper Dawson Branch

Wildlife Queensland Upper Dawson Branch member outing, Mt Walsh.

Our story

Formed in 1985, Wildlife Queensland Upper Dawson branch is a community-based group that works hard to protect environmental values in the Upper Dawson, Fitzroy Region in Central Queensland.

The Dawson River rises in the Carnarvon Range, draining through the Carnarvon National Park, northwest of Upper Dawson. The flow of the river is of high importance, especially for native fish and platypus to move within the system and reproduce successfully.

Read more about our branch’s history and achievements.

What we do


  • Ongoing environmental DNA (eDNA) testing for the presence of platypus in the Dawson River.
  • In 2020, we completed the construction of a bird hide on the bank of Castle Creek in Theodore. In 2022, interpretive signage was placed along the walkway to the hide, and First Nations art was added to the walls of the hide. Native bird-attracting shrubs and vines have also been planted around the hide.

Advocacy and planning:

  • We endeavour to respond to developmental proposals for our catchment.
  • We write to various levels of government to take stronger action to prevent damage to water, soil, and ecosystems through inappropriate development and under-resourcing of protected areas.
  • We have had input into Shire and State Environmental Plans and Stock Route management plans.
  • We continue to support the Banana Shire in its cat management program.
  • We collaborate with natural resource management associations.

Community engagement and education:

  • Our branch organises regular outings for branch members and members of the community to Central Queensland’s National Parks, sandstone gorges, gas fields, coal mines, boggomosses, wetlands and forests.
  • We publish a monthly newsletter to keep members and communities up-to-date with our activities.
  • Our branch holds four meetings a year at locally significant sites, and visitors are welcome.
Theodore bird hide© WPSQ Upper Dawson Branch

The Theodore Bird Hide along Castle Creek Walk.

Platypus© Canva NFP

Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) swimming in the river.

Get involved

join our branch

Join our local branch supporters helping to protect and conserve Queensland’s at-risk species and habitats.

Branch meetings

Our branch meets 4 times p/year. Email for more info or call 0427 504 560 (Secretary) or 0427 283 290 (President).


Subscribe to our monthly branch newsletter to receive the latest updates on our branch activities and achievements.

Branch newsletter

Latest branch news

Supporting waterway health this National Water Week© Canva NFP

Supporting waterway health this National Water Week

This National Water Week, we’re highlighting the importance of healthy waterways by reporting on a current and future threat to the health of the Dawson River in Central Queensland and the many species that inhabit it, including our iconic platypus.

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Dawson Valley Butterfly Weekend a flying success!© Cliff Meyer

Dawson Valley Butterfly Weekend a flying success!

More than 30 enthusiastic participants helped Upper Dawson branch celebrate Wildlife Queensland’s 60th anniversary and learnt about Central Queensland’s many butterfly species at the Dawson Valley Butterfly Weekend events on 15 October in Taroom and 16 October in Theodore.

read more

Contact Wildlife Queensland Upper Dawson Branch


Wildlife Queensland Upper Dawson Branch
PO Box 262, Taroom, QLD 4420


0427 504 560 (current Secretary)
0427 283 290 (current President)

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