Wildlife in the Balance

$34.99 inc. GST


Print paperback 344 pp (295 pp + supporting materials)

30% of the book price will go to help Wildlife Queensland’s vital conservation work.


Purchase Wildlife in the Balance and help raise funds for Wildlife Queensland

Take a journey through some of the planet’s most spectacular wildlife events and learn how the world works, the origin of life and our place in nature. This is the story of why animals are humanity’s best hope. It’s also about your role in creating a more habitable planet for humanity, one that’s rich with a diversity of colourful and abundant wildlife.

Accessibly written and embellished with dozens of the author’s own illustrations, Wildlife in the Balance explores the understated role of humans and other animals in planetary ecosystem stability, and why we must act now to ensure both their — and our — survival.

30% of the book price will go to help Wildlife Queensland’s vital conservation work.

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