
we can secure a future for wildlife

© Bruce Thomson/Scott Burnett

Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (Wildlife Queensland) is the longest-running wildlife conservation organisation in Queensland. For more than 60 years we’ve worked to protect and conserve at-risk species and habitats, advocating for better environmental policy, delivering vital on-ground conservation programs, and raising awareness of wildlife conservation issues through education and community engagement.

Ban enclosed yabby traps in Queensland now!

Enclosed yabby traps (opera house nets) continue to cause the drowning deaths of our native aquatic wildlife, including platypus, rakali and turtles. The current regulations are insufficient and confusing, as evidenced by illegal usage and disregard for the law.

Following the lead of other states in banning these traps in all waters, Wildlife Queensland calls for a comprehensive ban on the sale, possession and use of enclosed yabby traps in Queensland.

Wildlife Queensland AGM 2024

Join us for the Wildlife Queensland Southern Branches Get-together and Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 7 September 2024 at the Karawatha Forest Discovery Centre.

This year’s event is being hosted by the Wildlife Queensland Brisbane Branch.

Enjoy a day of connecting and learning with branch members and friends. You’ll also have the opportunity for a leisurely walk through beautiful Karawatha Forest Park.

Talking Wildlife Webinars

Discover fascinating facts about Queensland’s threatened native species and our efforts to protect them. From safeguarding the elusive platypus to the recovery of threatened gliders, our Wildlife Queensland projects team and expert guest speakers share their latest insights and research.

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How we work

Protecting wildlife

Protecting and connecting threatened species through our innovative surveying and monitoring programs and key habitat restoration projects.

influencing choices

Cooperating with local & state governments and conservation groups to develop policies & campaigns that protect our state’s natural heritage.

engaging communities

Educating and engaging people and communities, the foundation of our Society, to inspire change and achieve positive conservation outcomes.

Species spotlight: Rakali

The rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster) — commonly known as a water rat — is a unique, semi-aquatic native rodent. Shy and nocturnal, they are identifiable by their large size and white-tipped tail.

Often called Australia’s answer to the otter, the rakali is well adapted to both land and water with its waterproof fur, streamlined body and partially webbed hind feet.

Like the platypus, the rakali spends much of its time in or near the water, playing a unique and important role in our aquatic ecosystems.

Wildlife Australia magazine

WAM Winter 2024

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Your generous tax-deductible donation is your chance to make a huge impact on the wildlife you care about. More than 70% of all donations go towards our conservation projects to protect threatened species and habitats.

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