Adopt A Quoll


Queensland is a great spot for quolls

Would you like to help us keep it that way?

Adopt a Quoll

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Postage and handling costs for adoption information packs:

  • Australia: Postage and handling included
  • International: $20 postage and handling


Queensland is a great spot for quolls … Would you like to help us keep it that way?

In the past, quolls were shot on sight just to protect poultry. Our community awareness program will ensure that such actions are kept firmly in the past.

Quolls are endangered.

You wouldn’t want the quoll to become extinct like the thylacine, would you?

There is a way you can support the conservation of quolls – why don’t you … ‘ADOPT A QUOLL’

Join this program and you will be supporting our work for the survival of quolls and other endangered species and their habitat.

‘Adopt’ a quoll? How?

For a donation of $60 or more you can symbolically ‘adopt’ the animal for one year and we can send you an information pack about your ‘adopted’ animal.

What do I receive?

If you choose, we will send you an information pack about your ‘adopted’ animal to share with your family and friends.

The information pack about quolls and how to support the species in Queensland will include:

  • A personalised adoption certificate
  • Colour brochure with information on quoll ecology, habitat and conservation
  • Quoll-proof poultry pen information
  • Quoll Seekers Network fridge magnet
  • Quoll info kit on CD
  • Bonus FREE gift!

Where does my money go?

Donations to the ‘Adopt a Quoll’ program fund the conservation of, and research into, the endangered quoll. Because your adoption is symbolic we can use it to support habitat as well as running community awareness programs on quolls, identifying and addressing threats to them, and carrying out on-ground survey work.

Information on activities and success stories of our Quoll Seekers Network can be found on this website and in Wildlife Queensland’s regular monthly my.Wildlife ebulletin.

Is my ‘adoption’ payment tax-deductible?


Additional information

Select Adoption Level

Quoll Adoption – $60.00 each, Special Care Adoption – Au $100.00 each, 5 Star Adoption – Au $150.00 each, Platinum QSN sponsor – Au $500.00 each

Info Pack

No info pack thank you, One info pack please, One info pack for each quoll

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