Adopt a Brushie


Would you like to help us keep our brush-tailed rock-wallabies… leaping and bounding?

Adopt a Brushie

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Postage and handling costs for adoption information packs:

  • Australia: Postage and handling included
  • International: $20 postage and handling


Help us meet our conservation goals in ‘leaps and bounds’ for this vulnerable species … adopt a brush-tailed rock-wallaby today!

Brush-tailed rock-wallabies were once one of the most widely distributed rock-wallabies in Australia, but now … these beautiful, fluffy tail-tipped marsupials exist only in isolated populations of just a handful of individuals in rugged, rocky and often inaccessible terrain. Threatened by encroaching weeds and invasive predators, they really need our help if populations are to recover in Queensland.

By joining our ‘Adopt a Brushie’ program, you will be supporting the ongoing survival of vulnerable brush-tailed rock-wallabies and the regeneration of their crucial habitat.

For a donation of $60 or more, you can symbolically ‘Adopt a Brushie’ for one year.

What do I receive?

If you choose, we will send you an information pack about brushies to share with your family and friends. The ‘Adoption’ also makes a great gift – so your valuable contribution gives not just once but twice!

Your adoption pack will include:

  • a personalised adoption certificate
  • a colour information sheet about the brush-tailed rock-wallaby and its conservation needs
  • a Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network fridge magnet
  • a FREE rock-wallaby tote bag.

Information on activities and success stories of our new Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network can be found on our website and in Wildlife Queensland’s regular monthly ebulletin.

Where does my money go?

Because your adoption is symbolic, donations to ‘Adopt a Brushie’ are used to fund on-ground conservation projects, such as:

  • habitat restoration and invasive weed and pest management
  • surveying, monitoring and mapping of brush-tailed rock-wallaby populations
  • purchasing survey equipment and wildlife-monitoring cameras
  • educating landholders about brush-tailed rock-wallaby conservation and how they can help.

Is my ‘adoption’ payment tax-deductible?


Additional information

Select Adoption Level

Brushie Adoption – $60.00 each, Special Care Adoption – Au $100.00 each, 5 Star Adoption – Au $150.00 each, Platinum Sponsor – Au $500.00 each

Info Pack

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