2022 Aussie Bird Count

Australia-wide , Australia

During the week of 17-23 October, join thousands of people around the country in observing and counting the birds that live near you – in your garden, a local park, the beach or in the middle of town.


NaturallyGC- iNaturalist Great Southern Bioblitz

Get involved in citizen science and contribute data for the Gold Coast area during the Great Southern Bioblitz 2022. It's a great way to connect to nature and learn more about our unique plants and animals in a fun and interactive way while also contributing to science!


National Recycling Week

National Recycling Week 2022 runs from 7 - 13 November as a reminder to all Australians that Waste isn't Waste until it's Wasted!


FrogID Week

Download the free FrogID app and take part in Australia’s biggest frog count between 11-20 November.


Australian Pollinator Week

Celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of our unique insect pollinators this Australian Pollinator Week, 12 - 20 November 2022!


Rakali Info Session

Online event , Australia

Join the Australian Platypus Conservancy for a free information session about the biology and conservation needs of rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster), the Australian equivalent of the otter.


World Wildlife Conservation Day 2022

World Wildlife Conservation Day is annually observed to raise awareness about the species that are endangered or under threat of extinction and to promote the protection of the decreasing numbers of wildlife species across the globe.


International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2022 celebrates the theme of solidarity through volunteering. This campaign highlights the power of our collective humanity to drive positive change through volunteerism.


Rakali Info Session

Online event , Australia

Join the Australian Platypus Conservancy for a free information session about the biology and conservation needs of rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster), the Australian equivalent of the otter.


World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day is recognised as a United Nations International Day of Importance, celebrated around the world each year on 2 February.


Greater Glider Online Workshop

Online event , Australia

As part of a project to assist the recovery of endangered greater gliders in the Upper Burnett region, Burnett Catchment Care Association is running two FREE greater glider workshops on 11 and 17 May 2023 respectively.


Scenic Rim Koala Forum

Boonah Cultural Centre 3 High Street, Boonah, Queensland, Australia

This event offers a unique opportunity to discover the latest advancements in koala conservation work in the Scenic Rim and Southeast Queensland.


Greater glider habitat research briefing

Queensland Conservation Council invites you to an online briefing by Griffith University's Dr Patrick Norman, lead researcher in a project that mapped likely core habitat for the endangered southern and central greater glider across Queensland.


Webinar: Can the platypus save our rivers?

Online event , Australia

Dive into engaging case studies from SA, Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria and NSW to uncover the pivotal role the elusive platypus can play in waterway management.


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