Download our comprehensive new guide to revegetating for gliders today!

6 May 2022

Exciting news … Queensland Glider Network (QGN) has launched a brand-new revegetation guide!

Designed to assist landholders in protecting and recreating habitat for Australia’s largest gliding mammals — the southern and central greater glider (Petauroides volans) and the yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis) — the guide is especially useful after disasters like the 2019–2020 bushfires.

A Revegetation Guide to the Threatened Gliders of Southern Queensland is freely available in print on request from or online as a PDF download. The 16-page illustrated guide, compiled by Paul Revie with the advice of other expert stakeholders, features stunning photography — with a glorious cover shot by Jonathon Dashper — coupled with a wealth of information about Australia’s two largest gliders and their habitat and conservation needs.

Pages from the guide“Providing members of these bushfire-affected communities with valuable tips on what to do to revegetate native flora post-fire in ways that will help re-establish food trees and hollows for larger gliders well into the future is absolutely paramount to saving these threatened species,” says Queensland Glider Network Project Officer Paul Revie.

“The guide ties in with and complements the work QGN is doing to raise awareness with local communities through workshops and to survey private properties for greater and yellow-bellied gliders throughout the fire-affected Scenic Rim and Somerset regions,” adds Paul.

The free guide will be distributed to all attendees at QGN’s four glider ‘Dine & Shine’ workshops at Gatton, Jimna, Crows Nest and Lake Moogerah (28 May) and also features QR-code links to smaller documents that explain best-practice procedures for creating and installing nest boxes to reduce competition for hollows and to spotlighting in order to monitor and record nest box occupancy, providing useful citizen science data on sightings.

A Revegetation Guide to the Threatened Gliders of Southern Queensland was developed as part of a larger QGN project funded by the Australian Government to improve community knowledge of greater gliders and yellow-bellied gliders in South East Queensland. To request a printed copy, please contact Wildlife Queensland at or phone (07) 3844 0129.

Download your free copy today!

This project was supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for Wildlife and their Habitat.

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