Scenic Rim Branch


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© Karin Cox

Home 9 About Us 9 Our Branches 9 Scenic Rim Branch ( Page 2 )
Daryl Dickson© Karin Cox

WPSQ Scenic Rim Chair Ronda Green explains the corridor revegetation project for the Scenic Rim post-bushfire.

Our story

The Scenic Rim is a fertile, mountainous region of South East Queensland and is one of the most biodiverse in Australia. Volcanoes erupted here more than 20 million years ago, creating basalts that weathered into nutrient-rich soil and high country that catches the rain as clouds sweep in from the Pacific Ocean. Volcanoes also provided the resistant rhyolites, formed in the days of the dinosaurs but now exposed in the dramatic cliffs and waterfalls of the lower valleys.

What we do

Wildlife Queensland Scenic Rim’s primary aims are to:

  • enhance awareness of the wonderful diversity of wildlife in our region and the fascinating behaviours and ecological interactions they display
  • collect and collate information relevant to conservation management
  • promote an understanding, in all sections of the local community, of the needs of wildlife in our region and what individuals, governments and businesses can do to ensure the survival of our wildlife well into the future
  • present information and recommendations to relevant companies, local, state and federal governments and international bodies, such as the IUCN, concerning the long-term conservation of wildlife and their habitats.

Our activities include:

  • holding public workshops on various topics, such as wildlife on public lands, looking for rare and cryptic wildlife, particular groups of wildlife (such as gliders), or conservation issues, such as the proposed CSG pipeline
  • hosting wildlife expos that showcase the diversity of our wildlife and give locals and visitors the opportunity to see live bettongs, quolls and other native animals, as well as see the works in progress of wildlife artists, meet wildlife carers and birding groups, learn to identify wildlife and explore children’s activities
  • giving educational talks to school and community groups
  • running field surveys to gather conservation-management data
  • meeting with politicians and others to discuss local conservation issues
  • publishing a newsletter (usually monthly) to members and other interested persons (Email the branch to subscribe now!)
  • guiding group outings for nature walks or birding in scenic areas.

Meetings and events are held at various locations.

Contact the branch for more details. You can also find information about our events and activities on our Facebook page.

Eastern Bristlebird

The eastern bristlebird is our symbol, as it is a critically endangered species with major strongholds in our region, and we have helped to raise money for a captive-breeding and release program.

Elabana Falls Lamington NP© CanvaNFP

Several important conservation areas fall within the Scenic Rim, the largest being Lamington National Park (some 20,000 ha). With such varied topography and soil, the region harbours a variety of vegetation types and a diverse array of wildlife.

Yellow-footed Antechinus© QuentinJlang

The yellow-footed antechinus is the most commonly-encountered carnivorous marsupial. It sometimes enters houses for warmth during winter and lives in many forest and woodland habitats. A little bigger than a mouse, it looks superficially mouse-liike but with a pointier snout and sharp teeth — and, of course, it is a marsupial.

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Latest branch news

Glider corridor project update ‒ July 2019

Wildlife Queensland recently visited the Ramada Resort Kooralbyn Valley to learn about the surrounding bushland and determine if the site could play a role in the Scenic Rim Branch glider corridor project.

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Wildlife Queensland Scenic Rim Branch

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