Far North Queensland Branch
© Canva NFP

The Daintree, looking towards Cape Tribulation.
Our story
Wildlife Queensland Far North Queensland Branch’s area of interest includes the preservation of wildlife in all of north and Far North Queensland, particularly endangered and threatened species, protected area management and integrity, and land use impacts.
We are currently investigating the management of national parks and other protected areas, including existing and proposed uses that are inconsistent with the conservation values of the areas themselves.
The branch is represented in a variety of groups in the area:
- Birdlife Australia
- James Cook University
- Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group
What we do
We provide submissions to matters such as Marine Park declarations and zoning, National Park Management Plans, development /mining proposals, Species Plans, and EPBC Act referrals.
We have also been involved in fauna surveys. Our population work from the late 1990s to the early 2000s provided the basis for upgrading the status of the spectacled flying fox to vulnerable (now endangered due to continuing population decline).
We recently completed a ‘Bioblitz’ survey of a revegetated area, which we will repeat in 3 years to follow the progression as the forest develops. We hope to engage locals in similar activities in areas where detailed information will be of value.

Spectacled flying-fox (Pteropus conspicillatus)
Get involved
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Contact Wildlife Queensland Far North Queensland Branch
Wildlife Queensland Far North Queensland Branch
PO Box 1350, Cairns QLD 4870