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Your Voice for Your Wildlife awards

Every year Wildlife Queensland recognises the achievements and efforts of our members through our special Your Voice for Your Wildlife award ceremony, held annually in September.

The categories for this year’s awards are:

  • The Margaret Thorsborne Award for an outstanding contribution by a Wildlife Queensland member.
  • The Community Engagement and/or Education Award for a Wildlife Queensland branch.


Margaret Thorsborne Award

The Margaret Thorsborne Award was named in honour of our late patron, Margaret Thorsborne AO, and is a way of acknowledging members who have made an outstanding contribution to Wildlife Queensland, to conservation and to the community.

These members, like Margaret, will have led by example and have been an inspiration to others both within the Society and in their respective communities.

Download the Margaret Thorsborne Award nomination form.

How to submit:

  • Please read the criteria carefully and in around 350 words (maximum) tell us how you think this person meets the criteria and why you think recognition is deserved.
  • The nomination can come from a non-member but the subject must be a Wildlife Queensland member.
  • Email completed forms to by 30 August 2024.


The award is named after Margaret Thorsborne, Wildlife Queensland’s late patron. 

Community Engagement Award

The Community Engagement and/or Education Award recognises the effectiveness of branches in engaging members of their community in wildlife conservation activities and/or providing environmental education to their wider community.

Download the Community Engagement and/or Education Award nomination form.

How to submit:

  • Please read the criteria carefully and in around 350 words (maximum) tell us how you think this branch meets the criteria and why you think recognition is deserved.
  • The nomination can come from a non-member but the subject must be a Wildlife Queensland branch.
  • Email completed forms to by 30 August 2024.


Theodore Bird Hide© Wildlife Qld

The 2021 Community Engagement Award was Awarded to Wildlife Queensland Upper Dawson Branch’s ‘Theodore Bird Hide’.

Holly Bryant Award

After the passing of the Society’s former Projects Manager Holly Bryant, who formalised the relationship between Wildlife Queensland and UQ in 2014, Wildlife Queensland established the Holly Bryant Award in memoriam. The award is granted to one of the Society’s placement students in recognition of their contribution.

As an organisation that relies on the commitment of its volunteers, Wildlife Queensland values the input of students and benefits from the outcomes of the placement projects, which have become a fundamental part of the Society’s operations. Many students placed with Wildlife Queensland go on to return as regular volunteers, demonstrating their ongoing commitment not only to their respective projects but also to the Society and to Australian wildlife conservation as a whole.

© Wildlife Qld

2019 Holly Bryant Award winner Jasmin Bourne (middle) with Sandi Bryant (left) and Natasha Bryant (right).


Latest awards news

Vale Suzie Smith 1952–2021

Vale Suzie Smith 1952–2021

Suzie Smith, founder and long-time office-bearer of WPSQ’s Cassowary Coast and Hinchinbrook Branch, died peacefully in Tully hospital on 27 December 2021 after a long struggle with cancer – and so we lost one of the north’s truest, most abiding champions of our natural and cultural heritage.

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