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Home 9 Our Work 9 Conservation Programs 9 Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network ( Page 4 )

 The Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network was established in 2022 as an affiliation of individuals, groups and organisations dedicated to the conservation of the vulnerable brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata).

Our aims

Wildlife Queensland’s Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network was formed with the goal of raising awareness and building community support for conserving this vulnerable wallaby species.

The Network aims to do this by:

  • increasing community knowledge and awareness of the species and its conservation needs
  • monitoring, mapping and recording sightings of brush-tailed rock-wallabies throughout the state
  • working with national resource management groups, councils, non-government organisations, community groups and private landholders to identify populations of brush-tailed rock-wallabies and gain a better understanding of the population dynamics and movements of this species
  • mitigating the effects of key threatening processes through engaging in weed and invasive predator reduction and habitat restoration
  • initiating on-ground actions that will improve the long-term viability of the species within South East Queensland.

Established with funding from the Australian Government’s Environment Restoration Fund — Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan — Priority Species Grant, the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network will be a central hub for the preservation of this species, which has declined considerably since European colonisation and now exists patchily within mountainous terrain along Queensland’s Great Dividing Range.

Following on from our 2014 Everyone’s Environment Grant working with brush-tailed rock-wallabies, and our successful 2018 Christmas appeal, Wildlife Queensland has engaged in ongoing efforts to conserve the species. This new network builds on previous infrared camera survey and pest control work Wildlife Queensland has done to conserve brush-tailed rock-wallabies in Logan and the Flinders-Goolman Conservation Estate, near Ipswich.

Brush-tailed rock-wallaby© Canva NFP
Typified by their shaggy, somewhat hunched-over appearance, broader face and the long, brush-tipped tail for which they get their name, these wallabies maintain strongholds at Crows Nest National Park and along Main Range.
Invasive weeds (particularly Lantana montevidensis, above, and Lantana camara), which take over and reduce the availability of native browse, affect the viability of wallaby populations. The Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network aims to reduce the threats arising from floral and faunal pest species.

Current projects

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Report a sighting

We urge people to report brush-tailed rock-wallaby sightings in QLD so we can better monitor their populations.

Adopt a Brushie

Support the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Conservation Network by symbolically adopting a ‘brushie’ with a $60 (or more) tax-deductible donation.

Educational resources

Videos, webinars & picture books

Species profiles and further reading

Latest news

SEQ brush-tailed rock wallaby recovery is GO!

Thank you for supporting our brush-tailed rock wallaby Christmas appeal. Your generous donations will help this vulnerable species bounce back! Wildlife Queensland’s project manager shares our next steps.

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A chance to bounce back

Just how many Queensland wallaby species are threatened may come as a shock to some. Here’s one with a chance to BOUNCE BACK.

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