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THECA 30th Anniversary

1 June 2024, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The Hut 30th Anniversary event

Join the Wildlife Queensland Brisbane Branch for a celebration of 30 years of The Hut Environmental & Community Association Inc. (THECA), followed by a talk titled ‘Out of Sight and Out of Mind – Insect Interactions and Obligate Pollination of Rutaceae’ from world-renowned entomologist Dr Don Sands OAM, one of the earliest champions of THECA.

In his talk, Dr Sands will discuss how insect interactions can be of considerable conservation significance for other animals and plants, and how losses and declines in one species or its densities can have flow-on detrimental impacts on fauna and flora. In particular, he will describe the conservation significance of a primitive group of minute Australian moths (family Heliozelidae) and many unnamed species that have co-evolved with some Rutaceae plants.

A light lunch will be available from 1.00 pm, followed by a celebration of THECA’s 30 years and Dr Sands’ talk. Tea and a celebratory cake will follow the talk.

Read more about THECA and its activities HERE.

When: 1:00 PM, beginning with a light lunch
Where: THECA Environment Hut, 47 Fleming Road, Chapel Hill, 4069

All Wildlife Queensland members, THECA members and friends are welcome. For any questions, please contact brisbane@wildlife.org.au.

Admission is free, but please register for catering purposes.


The Hut
47 Fleming Road
Chapel Hill, Queensland 4069 Australia
+ Google Map

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