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The Owls of SE Qld and the Powerful Owl Project

15 February, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Australian Powerful Owl

Join Birdlife Australia and speaker Andrew Dinwoodie (Powerful Owl Project Coordinator) for an exciting and informative online webinar dedicated to the majestic Powerful Owl.

Get ready to fly into the world of these fascinating creatures and discover their unique characteristics, habitats, and conservation efforts.

As well as showcasing the Powerful Owl the webinar will give an overview of the Powerful Owl Citizen Science Project.

The Powerful Owl Project aims to:

  • Inspire the general public, educating them about owls and their habitat requirements.
  • Train citizen scientists to conduct surveys to find owls and track breeding success.
  • Monitor the distribution and abundance of owls and uncover why owls are present in some areas and absent in others.
  • Uncover habitat characteristics associated with greater breeding success in Powerful Owls.
  • Identify site-specific management recommendations.
  • Understand the impacts of threats such as vehicle strike and electrocution.
  • Inform and support land management for the conservation of Powerful Owls.
  • During this webinar, you’ll gain valuable insights into the lives of Powerful Owls.

Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, bird lover, or simply curious about these magnificent birds, this webinar is perfect for you! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your knowledge and appreciation of the magnificent Powerful Owl.

If the webinar inspires your interest in becoming a project volunteer you can register for one of our coming online Volunteer Training Sessions.

Register for the Microsoft Teams webinar 

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