Malishka – A Curlew Comes Back to Our Coast

$25.00 inc. GST

31 pages; colour illustrations; 23 x 32 cm

Free Postage & Handling in Australia.

6 in stock


A charming children’s story in verse, with an important message about protecting birds and our environment generally, and some interesting information for adults about a critically endangered bird, with tips on how to protect them. The book also contains bird-related activities for children and information about migratory birds for older children and adults.

Profits from the sale of the book will be donated to shorebird conservation groups such as the Queensland Wader Study Group

Suitable for children aged 6+


“I’ve never met a Curlew, though I have longed to, but thanks to this beautiful book, I now have.” – Best-selling children’s author Jackie French AM


“The book is beautiful, and I’m so happy that other people are working hard to raise awareness for these wonderful birds.” – Harry Sadler, naturalist and writer, author of The Eastern Curlew

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