Wildlife Queensland invites you to an afternoon and evening dedicated to our wildlife and the ways it is impacted by the climate of change in which we now live. Join us for the symposium, the dinner, or both, as Wildlife Queensland presents a cutting-edge program focussed on the future of our unique biodiversity. Be part of this exciting opportunity to raise awareness of our endangered environment and the work being done locally, nationally and globally to limit the impacts of our ever-changing landscape on the plants and animals we share it with.
“If wildlife matters to you – this is an event not to be missed.”
1 x Symposium: $55.00
1 x Dinner: $85.00
1 x Symposium + Dinner: $130.00
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Riverside Receptions New Farm
50 Oxlade Drive, New Farm, QLD
Wildlife Matters: THE SYMPOSIUM
1:00pm – 6:00pm
Hear wildlife experts and activists speak from their experience on how the climate of change we currently face is impacting Queensland’s iconic plants, animals and ecosystems.
Speakers (more to be confirmed)
KEYNOTE: Professor Lesley Hughes – Councillor – Climate Change Council
Professor Lesley Hughes is a Distinguished Professor of Biology and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Integrity & Development) at Macquarie University, whose research has focused predominantly on the impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems.
Professor Hughes is a former federal Climate Commissioner and former Lead Author in the IPCC’s 4th and 5th Assessment Report. She is also a Director for WWF Australia, a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, the Director of the Biodiversity Node for the NSW Adaptation Hub and a member of the expert advisory committee for Future Earth Australia.
Dr Richard Fuller – Head Researcher – University of Queensland, Brisbane
Dr Richard Fuller’s work spans the fields of biogeography, conservation planning, conservation psychology and urban ecology. Much of it focuses on the interactions between people and nature, and how these can be enhanced and shaped to converge on coherent solutions to the biodiversity crisis. Recent research topics include predicting the consequences of urbanization on biodiversity and human quality of life in south-east Queensland.
“The actions of people just like you and me have caused a massive biodiversity crisis, pushing many species to the brink of extinction and beyond. Doing something about this is one of the most important and urgent problems globally.”
Presentation / ‘Keeping Queenslanders Connected with Nature’
Dr Gordon Guymer – Director – Queensland Herbarium, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
Dr Gordon Guymer is the Director of the Queensland Herbarium, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, based at the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane. He is a botanist with 37 years’ experience in plant and biodiversity research, management and policy.
With a comprehensive knowledge of Australia’s plant biodiversity, vegetation, ecosystems and factors affecting management and maintenance of biodiversity and environmental values, Dr Guymer has extensive management experience of biodiversity programs and projects. He has published 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including contributions to Flora of Australia, and has described three new plant genera and over 100 plant species new to science.
Presentation / ‘Queensland’s Terrestrial Ecosystems: Their Future State’
Dr Kathy Townsend – Education Officer (MBRS) / Lecturer – University of Queensland, Brisbane
Dr Kathy Townsend is an academic marine biologist at the University of Queensland with a particular interest in ecology, biology and human impacts on Queensland’s marine environments and organisms.
Dr Townsend investigates the lethal and sub-lethal effects of particulate plastic on endangered marine turtles with the overall aim of providing information to policy makers on sea discharge of waste disposal and pollution legislation. While information is available on the impact of marine debris on turtles in other parts of the world, currently no peer reviewed information is available on the impact of the ingestion of marine debris on turtles found in Australian waters. Dr Townsend believes urgent measures are required to address marine pollution, particularly since the impact of human rubbish has spread far beyond our immediate shores.
Presentation / ‘The Impact of Marine Debris’; human impacts on the marine environment
Angus Emmott – Member – Farmers for Climate Action
Angus Emmott is a third generation grazier running Noonbah Station near Longreach in outback Queensland and representative of Farmers for Climate Action, an inclusive movement calling for immediate action on climate change and a rapid transformation of Australia’s energy system away from fossil fuels. More than 70,000 people signed Angus’ recent petition to the Queensland Premier to rescind the unlimited, free 60-year water license they are proposing to grant to the Adani coal mine.
An expert in water management, Angus is former Chairman of the Lake Eyre Basin Community Advisory Committee and a former member of the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee. Also a self-taught naturalist fascinated by the flora and fauna of the Australian arid zone, Angus was awarded an honorary masters of science degree by the University of central Queensland.
Dr Christian Rowan MP – Shadow Minister for the Environment and Heritage Protection and Shadow Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef
Dr Christian Rowan is the State Member for Moggill in the Queensland Parliament. He is the Shadow Minister for the Environment and Heritage Protection and the Shadow Minister for National Parks and The Great Barrier Reef.
In the lead-up to the next election, this could be your opportunity to question the Shadow Minister on all things environment and climate change. Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef, Hon Dr Steven Miles, has also been invited to speak at Wildlife Matters: In a Climate of Change.
Wildlife Matters: THE DINNER
6:30pm start
Enjoy drinks and canapes riverside with fellow wildlife advocates (and perhaps even a live animal or two!) followed by Wildlife Queensland’s annual dinner featuring special guest speaker.
Jon Dee (yes, he’s back!)
Jon Dee, one of Australia’s most influential and well-known figures on environmental issues, is the co-founder of the Planet Ark and DoSomething charities. During the 15 years that he headed up Planet Ark Environmental Foundation, Jon turned the organisation into a household name and a force for positive change.
Together with Olivia Newton-John, Jon Dee also founded National Tree Day and the international One Tree Per Child initiative. During the time that Olivia and Jon fronted Tree Day, the event planted over 10 million trees. Their One Tree Per Child campaign is currently running in five countries and is supported by people such as Kevin McCloud, Lord Stern and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Jon is the Global Director of the initiative.
Jon Dee has successfully campaigned for the banning of plastic bags, plastic microbeads and phosphates in laundry detergents, and is also the founder of National Recycling Week.
Jon also initiated and ran the lobbying campaign that led to Australia’s 3-year phase out of incandescent light globes, his key role in which was publicly acknowledged by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. The ban saved Australians hundreds of millions of dollars and became an international role model for other countries.
Since 1992 Jon has written, produced and directed more than 300 TV advertisements and environmental educational videos featuring celebrities such as Tom Cruise, Kylie Minogue, Kevin McCloud, Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Sir Richard Branson, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Olivia Newton-John, Costa Georgiadis, Sandra Sully, and Jeff Goldblum. Many of the videos aired in the Save the Planet series which Jon co-produced with the Channel 7 TV network. With two series lasting three years, the videos aired in prime time, seven nights per week. Channel 7 donated tens of millions of dollars in airtime to the initiative which remains, to this day, the most significant environmental education campaign ever carried out in Australia.
In 2007, Jon was the media front-person for the Australian release of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth documentary on the dangers of global warming and the need for immediate action to curb its destructive effects on the environment. He organised for the DVD to be distributed free of charge to Australian schools and for the leaflet version to be distributed to five million Australian homes. In the same year, Jon also presented the Tipping Points TV series on The Weather Channel which was aired on the hour, 24 hours a day, for an entire year.
As one of the country’s most influential figures on environmental issues, who has inspired millions of Australians to make positive change, Jon Dee was the New South Wales Australian of the Year for 2010.