Cash in containers for wildlife
© Canva NFP
Your change can make a BIG difference
Containers for Change, Queensland’s container refund scheme, was introduced on 1 November 2018 to help clean up our state.
The scheme aims to increase recycling rates and reduce litter by encouraging Queenslanders to exchange eligible drink containers for a 10-cent refund.
You can help our environment and its wildlife by recycling eligible drink containers
Two ways your change will help our native wildlife:
- you can donate your Containers for Change refund to Wildlife Queensland and help to provide vital on-ground conservation actions to protect threatened species
- by recycling, you’re keeping plastics and glass litter out of our environment and protecting wildlife at the same time.
Did you know?
Queenslanders use more than 3 billion drink containers each year.
How it works
Collect eligible containers
Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible. Find out more.
Return your containers
There are four different types of container refund points across Queensland, so find the right one for you. Plus, C4C now offers a free home collection service, Container Collect, in selected suburbs.
Earn a refund or donate to Wildlife Queensland
You’ll receive 10 cents for every eligible container you return which you can keep or donate (see below).
How do I donate my Containers for Change refund to Wildlife Queensland?
- Find your nearest collection refund point.
- Use Wildlife Queensland’s scheme ID number: C10002920 to donate your refund. You can also save the image with our ID number to your phone for quick and easy reference.

What containers are eligible?
From 1 November 2023, glass wine and spirit bottles from 150ml to 3L are accepted for a 10-cent refund at Containers for Change refund points across Queensland.
Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard beverage containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a 10-cent refund.
Some beverage containers are not eligible for a refund. Generally excluded containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L. Find out more.
Latest container refund scheme news
Queensland Expanding Single-Use Plastics Ban
Wildlife Queensland and the Boomerang Alliance of 56 NGOs have welcomed the announcement of consultation on a second nation-leading tranche of single-use plastic items to be banned in Queensland. These items include problem plastics habitually littered or landfilled and polluting the marine environment.
Qld container refund scheme crushing it
More than 440 million containers have been returned in the first six months of Queensland’s container refund scheme.