Fire ants threaten wildlife and ecosystems in Australia

Fire ants threaten wildlife and ecosystems in Australia

Updated  Breaking news | As of 27 July 2023, fire ants have been discovered just 5 kilometres from the Queensland–New South Wales border. It could mean the potentially deadly invasive species has already breached state lines. 25 July 2023 Invasive fire ants are one of...
EOFY 2023 appeal wrap-up

EOFY 2023 appeal wrap-up

24 July 2023 As the curtain falls on another financial year, we would like to extend a big thank you for your incredible support in helping to protect and conserve Queensland’s precious wildlife. Through our End of Financial Year appeal, we set an ambitious goal of...
Exciting updates from PlatypusWatch

Exciting updates from PlatypusWatch

30 June 2023 Welcome to the latest news from PlatypusWatch. While trying to complete her PhD thesis, platypus ecologist Tamielle Brunt and her team have been busy bees these last few months, creating lots of fantastic news to share with you. ABC News article Wildlife...
Unveiling the echidna pouch: Insights from recent research

Unveiling the echidna pouch: Insights from recent research

27 June 2023 Nature never ceases to amaze us with its extraordinary adaptations. While marsupials are well-known for having a pouch to carry their young, did you know that short-beaked echidnas (an egg-laying mammal) also possess a pouch? Only pregnant echidnas...
3 ways driving affects our wildlife

3 ways driving affects our wildlife

27 June 2023 Cars play a huge part in our lives, but what about their impact on our wildlife? Recent evidence has highlighted three detrimental effects of driving vehicles that harm wildlife. Vehicle strikes and wildlife Findings from a 2022 analysis of over 17,000...
How your nature photos can help wildlife conservation

How your nature photos can help wildlife conservation

15 June 2023 Remembering Wayne Lawler: Wildlife Queensland launches a new Nature Conservation Photography Grant. In commemoration of Wayne Lawler’s remarkable contributions to the field of nature photography, Wildlife Queensland is delighted to announce the launch of...
The occupancy model helps platypus detection accuracy

The occupancy model helps platypus detection accuracy

23 May 2023 Wildlife Queensland’s PlatypusWatch has commenced its annual platypus monitoring survey in South East Queensland using the environmental DNA (eDNA) detection method. This year will be the program’s eighth consecutive year of platypus eDNA monitoring across...
Digging mammals play a key role in Queensland’s biodiversity

Digging mammals play a key role in Queensland’s biodiversity

19 May 2023 As we approach the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2023, with the theme “Agreement to Action: Build Back Diversity”, it is important to recognise the significance of digging mammals in preserving Queensland’s rich biodiversity....
The state of threatened species management in Queensland

The state of threatened species management in Queensland

27 Apr 2023 The Australian Government’s Australia, State of the Environment 2021 report found that Australia’s environment is in a sorry state. The number of animals and plants at risk of extinction continues to increase, and Queensland is no exception. But what is...

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