Fraser Coast Branch


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Eli Creek Fraser Island© WPSQ Fraser Coast Branch

Nature Walks Program, Eli Creek, Fraser Island.

Our story

Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch has a very long and credible history in the protection of local wildlife. Our branch engages members and the local community through a range of activities including:

  • our monthly Nature Walks Program
  • monthly Wildlife Talks in Hervey Bay and Maryborough Libraries
  • our seasonal Fraser Coast Bioblitz Program
  • school visits and workshops
  • representation on the Environmental Advisory Group with Fraser Coast Regional Council.


We Need Your Help to Protect Hervey Bay’s Precious Marine Life

The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (WPSQ) Fraser Coast Branch needs your help to stop an enormous 19-storey building from impacting the wildlife of the Hervey Bay region of the Great Sandy Marine Park.

Recently, the Fraser Coast Regional Council approved a towering development—a massive 70-metre-high structure, three and a half times higher than the maximum permitted height for the area under the Council’s 2014 planning scheme. 

Our delicate ecosystems are at serious risk. By donating to help fund this appeal, you can help protect Hervey Bay’s precious marine life, such as the endangered loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and the vulnerable green turtle (Chelonia mydas).

Please click the button to donate to our appeal on Chuffed and help us save Hervey Bay’s reef ecosystems and the animals that depend on them.

What we do

In 2022 and 2023, Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch made two donations to the University of the Sunshine Coast to sponsor two Bachelor of Animal Ecology students to conduct their Honours projects. The first project is ‘Eastern grey kangaroos in urbanising environments’, and the second is ‘Greater gliders in our region’.

Other branch activities include:

  • production and publication of the quarterly 20–24 page newsletter Wambaliman (see below) in both hardcopy and electronic form. It includes reports of meetings and events as well as opinion pieces of members and nature notes.
  • a monthly Wildlife Matters column in a local newspaper and various local newsletters
  • an active source of information and exchange of thoughts on our Facebook page.

All these activities go towards encouraging branch members and the community to understand and appreciate the wildlife and natural places of the Fraser Coast.

Branch constitution

Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch Constitution

Fraser coast bioblitz© Christine Heiser

Fraser Coast BioBlitz / Blue tiger butterfly.


ACNC badge

Get involved

join our branch

Join our local branch supporters helping to protect and conserve QLD’s at-risk species and habitats.

follow us

Follow our Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Facebook page for upcoming branch meeting and event information.

Nature Walks

Our monthly walks are free for branch members. View our latest Nature Walks calendar below or contact us.

Branch meetings

Day/Date: Meets on the third Sunday of the month, bi-monthly
Time: 2:00 pm
Where: Halcro Street Community Centre, Pialba

Wildlife Nature Walks

Running since 2014, our Wildlife Nature Walks have become one of Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast’s most popular activities. Participation in our monthly walks is free for branch members. Most walks are on the first weekend of the month. Download our latest calendar below.


Branch newsletter

Wambaliman is a 20–24 page quarterly newsletter published by the Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch. It includes reports of meetings and events as well as opinion pieces of members and nature notes. Download the latest editions below.

Latest branch news

Fraser Coast January BioBlitz: birds, bats, bugs & more…

Fraser Coast January BioBlitz: birds, bats, bugs & more…

Strong wind may have made photography difficult and heat added to the intractability of insects – which sometimes zipped around too much to have their portraits taken – but Wildlife Queensland’s Fraser Coast Branch members and nature enthusiasts managed to make more than 430 observations during their first BioBlitz of 2022. 

read more

Contact Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch


Wildlife Queensland Fraser Coast Branch
PO Box 7396, Hervey Bay, QLD 4655


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